Small Game Recipes

Wild Game Pizza

What you slap on your pizza is a matter of choice and what’s available as far as wild game options. For this Wild Game Pizza, I used a variety of sliced game sausage and salami, along with some pretty good cheese. The idea is to make some good use of your cured/and or processed game…

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Barbecued Frog Legs

Hey, I usually fry them too, but they don’t taste like chicken. This recipe starts with your favorite store-bought barbecue sauce and then you dump a few other ingredients in, just to be different. Allow 2 – 4 legs per person for an appetizer serving.

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Pan Roasted Wild Pig Chops

It’s much more likely that the animal you shoot is a feral hog, not a wild boar. There are populations of wild boar in the U.S., mostly in the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina, but the rest of us are probably gunning for a closer cousin of the domestic hog. There is a relatively…

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Roasted Wild Turkey

The traditional way of roasting a turkey is to set it on its back and lay strips of bacon over the top, to keep it moist. I used to do it myself the same way. But now, I’ve found a better way. When you put bacon over the top, it’ll help keep it from drying…

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Spicy Stuffed Wild Turkey Breast

While living in Arizona during the mid to late 70’s, I developed a taste, more like a craving, for Southwestern flavors. I like it spicy, but not so hot that my eyes water. Some folks can enjoy a habanero pepper or two. I’m not one of them. To butterfly each breast half, place it on…

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Wild Turkey Breast Stir-Fry with Dried Cherries

The reason I included dried cherries in the title of this recipe is because most people would not combine berries with an Asian stir-fry. I was torn between creating a stuffed turkey breast, specifically a turkey breast with a dried cherry stuffing or a stir-fry. Not wanting to do without either, I combined the flavors…

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Wild Turkey Breast with Fruit Chutney

Don’t overcook your wild turkey! When overdone, the meat is dry, tough and chewy. Note that I didn’t specify what type of fruit to use. Go to the market and see what’s in season. Try plums, peaches, cherries, apples, pears, apricots or whatever’s on sale. In a pinch, dried fruits will work as well.

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Wild Turkey Breast with Peach and Pecan Chutney

Please stop overcooking your wild turkey! When overdone, the meat is dry, tough and chewy. Then you have to throw it into the Crock Pot and cook it for several weeks. Just because this recipe is about cooking wild turkey breasts, it doesn’t mean you should discard the rest of the bird. The bodies and…

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Wild Turkey Vegetable Soup

Here’s what I do with my turkey legs and thighs. They’re often too tough to gnaw on, but still great for making soups and stews. Whenever I roast a whole turkey, I hack off the legs and make a pot of soup. If you just have a pile of uncooked turkey legs, first roast them…

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